Incubation Program

Acceleration Program

Our Incubation Program is for entrepreneurs who have an idea, but need support in building their prototype and working through commercialization ideas. In this program, you’ll receive personalized guidance, mentoring, and support from a dedicated team of strategic business advisors. This program’s outcomes include:
  • validated business model
  • minimum viable product (MVP)
  • market research and customer validation
  • pitch deck

This will include one hour per week of live consultation, plus detailed monthly review meetings to track progress and assess strategy. Your dedicated ImpactXcelerate team will help you identify focus areas, accelerate product development, achieve key milestones, accurately assess market conditions, project business financials and more. After this program, you should be ready to progress to our Acceleration Program. Review our mutual responsibilities in this program below. Join ImpactXcelerate today and accelerate your journey to success.

Shared Responsibilities

Your Startup

Execution: You’ll execute activities towards achieving weekly and monthly milestones that we set.

Ownership: You’ll maintain ownership of initiatives, intellectual properties, and decisions.

Shared Responsibility: You’ll collaborate with IX and adhere to the shared responsibility/ accountability model.


Facilitation: IX will facilitate planning, access to experts, and customized support tailored to your needs.

Guidance: IX will provide active guidance, mentoring, and support  throughout the program and beyond.

Evaluation: IX will conduct regular evaluations and assessments to ensure your progress and success.